My first “Guinea Pigs”! A loving family we know well invited me to experience a German New Years. To their surprise and I'm sure to their chagrin I took along my camera. Photog first right? I had recently introduced the family to Geocaching. They felt it might be fun to journey though the woods in search of caches above the small town where they live. I'm sure the temperature was well below zero, but the views were impressive and the company was grand. The light falls early in Germany so you can imagine the light was not optimal for an up and becoming Photog such as myself. That didn't stop me. I shot a lot of, ah... well Nothing!! I couldn't tell when the light stopped and the blurs began. I had no idea what happened to my subjects between what I saw and what the camera saw. I'm glad I had that fun and exciting family to guide me along. I learned the process that if I ever shot again at night I'm taking my tripod. I will also be sure to bring some of my own artificial light. The following are a few shots that actually turned out fairly, ah... OK? The first shot is of our fearless leader. The last two shots are of the Germany family during the hike and afterwards, snuggled on the couch in their warm home. No editing, other than cropping, was conducted on these photos.

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